
50多岁的古董 Zassenhaus mokka Nr.580 手摇咖啡磨

逛街看到个Zassenhaus mokka Nr.580 手摇咖啡磨,犹犹豫豫还是下手了。过50年的手摇咖啡磨,研磨磨芯看起来还很好,现在一般千元的电动咖啡磨采用的磨芯。Zassenhaus mokka Nr.580 手摇咖啡磨研磨的咖啡粉很均匀,德国就是德国、名牌就是名牌啊。
Zassenhaus mokka Nr.580 . Mokkamühle Zassenhaus Typ Zassinchen Nr. 580
Mokka fein mahlendes Mahlwerk , Period of production ca.1965
2014-11-01 104134

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2014-11-01 104216

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2014-11-01 104441

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2014-11-01 112443

2014-11-01 112453

old german mocha coffee grinder”R.Z. (Robert Zassenhaus)”,Mod.Nr. “580”in landscape format, made of beech wood, curve shape, perfect seat of the mill between the thighs during coffee grinding, the grind you can use the small wheel on the cover of infinitely adjust coarse to fine, the mill is in a very,very good and clean condition,

the mill has an adjustable grinding mechanism.

50多岁的古董 Zassenhaus mokka Nr.580 手摇咖啡磨。