
iF,Red Dot奖 bodum Mug Press

Mug Press
iF,Red Dot奖
出自:Bodum 瑞士

对于钟情于午后享受一杯咖啡的你来说,这个Mug Press绝对是个有用的配件。把它装入你的咖啡杯中,一个完美的泡咖啡过程就开始了。不锈钢材质的它,可调整为适合于每一个杯子的尺寸。此外,它不仅可用微波炉加热,还可用洗碗机清洗。冲泡结束后,你就可以随心加入牛奶和糖来调配你的午后咖啡了。

Product Description

The BODUM mug press is not only a must-have in a single household, but it is useful for everyone who enjoys a cup of perfectly brewed coffee! The idea: fit the BODUM coffee press system into a mug to initiate a perfect brewing process on a very small scale. No sooner said than done, the BODUM mug press is made of stainless steel, fits into every mug (santroprene rim adapter) and comes with a plastic microwave-proof beaker (PP). Why? While the coffee develops its full taste in the mug, put milk into the beaker and warm it in the microwave (1min.), depress the plunger, take out the small mug press and pour the milk from the beaker into the mug, add sugar at your own taste and enjoy! All parts are dishwasher safe.

Size: 5.43 in. high, dia. 2.36 in.

Color: Stainless Steel Shiny

Instructions for use

How can I use it?
1. Place any BODUM mug on a stable, non-slip surface
2. Hang the Mug Press into the mug
3. Take small french press, rod and filter of the Mug Press
4. Add coarse ground coffee into the stainless steel Mug Press
5. Add hot water (195 – 205F/90C° – 96C°)
6. Place the press/lid onto the pot in the up position
7. Allow the coffee to brew for 4-minutes
8. During the brewing, fill the plastic beaker with milk and heat in the microwave
9. Depress the plunger gently
10. Take out the Mug Press and add sugar and pour hot milk from the beaker at your liking
Note: be careful, the beverage you are going to enjoy is very hot

TIP: If the plunger is diffcult to press down, simply raise the plunger rod up about one inch and then resume pressing

How do I clean/treat the product right?
Always clean the Mug Press after use. All parts are dishwasher safe.

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