
Davidoff Cafe大卫杜夫咖啡

手里拿着的这罐Davidoff咖啡是姨妈从莫斯科给我带回来的,不知道价格,简单在台湾的一家大卫杜夫咖啡店网站得知应该约为 ¥ 298,之前喝过的雀巢金牌瓶罐装为 ¥ 63.9。看来国人的咖啡要求还是很低的…… 在中国大陆,尽管大卫杜夫咖啡进入时间不长,但在中国餐饮服务行业的专家——曼德林精美食品公司的努力下前景喜人,大卫杜夫咖啡也将被越来越多的国人所接受。

正如大卫杜夫的创始人Zino Davidoff的一句名言——“品味质量就是品味生活”。



Davidoff Cafe
Davidoff Cafe有几个产品系列:
1、Fine Aroma
Selected coffees from Central America and Colombia lend this coffee its superbly elegant taste, accompanied by a delicate aroma. For all those who appreciate a mild premium coffee still full of character.

Davidoff Café Fine Aroma is available as whole beans for freshest enjoyment, ground coffee for a delicate flavour and instant coffee for the convenient preparation.

2、Rich Aroma
It is the full body deriving from South American origins and its rich aroma and spiciness originating from East African coffees that make this coffee the discerning choice for all those who prefer an intense, fascinating taste experience.

Davidoff Café Rich Aroma is available as whole beans for freshest enjoyment, ground coffee for a delicate flavour and instant coffee for the convenient preparation.

3、Espresso 57
Choicest Arabica beans from African, Latin American and Pacific coffees combined with the particularly dark roast lend this exceptional espresso its intense and assertive taste with a deliciously mellow finish.

Davidoff Café Espresso 57 owes its name to its distinct degree of roast – 57. This particular degree of roast ensures the perfectly balanced ratio between the long roasting process and the distinctively high roasting temperature. It thereby creates the ideal conditions for the manifold aroma compounds sealed within the whole coffee bean to completely unfold to a distinctive intense, rich and elegant taste.

Davidoff Café Espresso 57 is available as whole beans for freshest enjoyment, ground coffee for a delicate flavour and instant coffee for the convenient preparation.

4、Café Crème
Davidoff Café Crème is a unique combination of harmonious South American plantation coffee and exceptional Central American highland coffee. Its unmistakably elegant aroma, its full-bodied flavour and the incomparably fine, velvety crema guarantee perfect enjoyment for the discerning connoisseur.

For Davidoff Café Café Crème an espresso-like roasting method is employed to create an extraordinary classic café crème and serve as the perfect basis for coffee specialties with milk. Perfectly suited for fully automated coffee machines.

Davidoff Café Café Crème is available as whole beans for freshest enjoyment.

5、Davidoff Café Suprême Réserve 2010
Every year, Davidoff Café presents a Limited Selection of exclusively rare coffees. This Limited Selection of 100% Arabica beans is the ultimate coffee-drinking experience, which can only be savoured for a short period of time.

This year’s Suprême Réserve comes from Indonesia, a country whose coffees are known above all for their exceptional taste.

Davidoff (大卫杜夫),这个品牌源于创始人季诺·大卫杜夫(Zino Davidoff)。
Zino Davidoff,1906年出生于乌克兰共和国首都基辅,一家人为逃避大屠杀而在日内瓦定居,并开设烟店。1947年大卫杜夫根据奥卫·德·蒙特雷雪茄系列,创造出自己的雪茄系列。 于1984年创造出以他自己名字命名的第一款香水。

大卫杜夫咖啡以真正做到顶级咖啡的品味,进入中国市场后,让许多咖啡行家眼睛为之一亮,因为唯有国际顶级咖啡才能拥有大卫杜夫的品牌。在全球各地,大卫杜夫亮丽的辉煌成绩,证明它背后有一套对咖啡的专业要求。大卫杜夫咖啡以专业的鉴赏家与品尝家为傲,它坚持使用100%的阿拉比卡(Arabica)咖啡豆,一种世界上最好最贵的咖啡品种,这就确保了大卫杜夫咖啡拥有最浓醇的香味。1999年,大卫杜夫咖啡成功为亚洲职业高尔夫巡回赛冠名。世界级咖啡与世界级高尔夫赛事的结合,完美地体现了该品牌的理念所在:”华贵并非是拥有一切,而是以独到的眼光选择最佳”, 优雅的高尔夫运动和极品咖啡一样,都是精致、美好、时尚生活的体验。

看来品牌在俄罗斯走红,或者是我比较寡闻。上了官方网站 发现在有腕表、咖啡、皮包、眼镜、香烟、香水等~