
Certified Italian Espresso


一杯完美的意大利Espresso,应该有介于榛褐色至黑褐色的带有茶色光泽的细腻泡沫。强烈的花香、果香、烤面包以及巧克香味. 所有这些香味应该能在吞下后持续较长的时间。她的滋味应当是:丰富,充实且顺滑的。酸苦完美平衡,无明显涩味。 (k o h 翻译)

Certified Italian Espresso

The perfect Espresso

An hazel-brown to dark – brown foam – characterised by tawny reflexes – with a very fine texture. An intense scent with notes of flowers, fruits, toasted bread and chocolate. All of these sensations are felt also after swallowing the coffee in the long lasting aroma. Its taste is round, substantial and velvet-like. Sour and bitter tastes are well balanced. There is no, or a barely perceptible, astringent taste. [] 意大利浓缩咖啡官方网站