


Ngöbe-Buglé 恩加贝和布格尔是实际上是两个不同的语言/土著群体的语言互不相通。比较大的恩加贝说恩加贝尔语,而较小的民族布格尔,讲布格尔语;两者都是奇布查语语言家庭成员。总的来说,这两个群体占巴拿马最大的土著人口。Ngöbe-Buglé 恩加贝和布格尔住在保护区坐落在山区奇里基东北,是塔拉曼卡山脉的一部分。

Ngöbe-Buglé 恩加贝和布格尔巴拿马印第安原住民是在咖啡生产过程中是非常宝贵的劳动力:从他们身上我们学到的收获,让成熟的樱桃正确选择技术。随着樱桃的选择,巴拿马印第安原住民手工挑拣,保障咖啡质量控制,使得巴拿马咖啡风味独特。


Since its early days, our coffee industry in Panama has depended of the skilled hands of the Ngöbe-Buglé, native Panamanians who for decades have migrated from their homeland in the mountains of their “Comarca” to work in the coffee farms located around the Baru Volcano.

The Ngöbe and Buglé are actually two separate linguistic/indigenous groups whose languages are mutually unintelligible. The larger group, the Ngöbe, speak Ngäbere, while the smaller group, the Buglé, speak Buglére; both are members of the Chibchan language family. Collectively, these two groups make up the largest indigenous population in Panama. The Ngöbe-Buglé live in their Comarca (Reservation) located to the Northeast of Chiriqui in a mountainous area that is still part of the Talamanca mountain range.

The labor from the natives Ngöbe-Buglé in the complete process is invaluable: From them we have learned the technique of harvesting that allows the correct selection of the mature cherry. With the selection of the cherry, the Ngöbe-Buglé initiates the manual quality control that makes the coffee uniquely special.

In our farms we respect their culture and ways of life, trying to improve their condition. Some members of SCAP have comprehensive social programs on the areas of health, nutrition, education and proper child care aimed at to offering a better quality of life for them and their families.