
swissmar alpenrost 烘焙机写真图秀


swissmar alpenrost 是一台国外贴牌国内生产的傻瓜型烘焙机,基本的功能选择一下烘焙深度,按一下开始,就可以离开了,剩下的过程全自动完成。要掌握这台机的好处,不浪费十几公斤咖啡豆,是很难修炼到正果的;每一种咖啡豆都有不同的特性,内在物质的区别,豆型、大小、含水量等等因素都会影响到烘焙的效果,所以不断的尝试、总结、分析是必要的。


The new model of the roaster by Swissmar – the Bravi – has come out and we have decided not to carry it. It does have improved safety features and ought to be easier to use and clean, but we felt like Swissmar missed an opportunity to really add features to the roaster that would improve its performance and use – namely, a window to see the roast in progress. Some folks have said the new Bravi works well – others say it is not so good. I am sure you can read all about it on consumer review sites. The units are expensive and just not that much of an improvement to warrant us carrying the item. We recommend the HotTop for the folks interested in the largest batch size they can get in a home roasting machine. Stovetop roasting is also a good option for folks looking to roast more coffee at once. – Maria 2/8/06