关于咖啡烘焙 About Coffee Roasting
[中英对照 worldlingo机器翻译 vinylcafe校对]
· Why Roast My own Coffee?
· How to Start Coffee Roasting
· What to Expect During The Coffee Roast
· Stages of Coffee Roasting
一般的消费者是不知道”新鲜烘焙” 到底是多么新鲜? 多数人没意识到,咖啡从它烘焙过后就开始挥发香味了。在几天以后,15-40% 味道丢失。烘焙过的咖啡密封保存能”半新鲜” 大约7天。 另一方面, 绿色咖啡豆逗留新鲜2-10年, 根据存贮方法。 一旦豆被烤了, 直到冲泡时最好保留在整豆形式。 研磨咖啡比整豆更容易失去香味。
家庭烘焙咖啡很简单, 允许一般咖啡爱好者试验用不同的豆类型、烘烤和混合, 来适合他们自己的个人爱好。 既使这花费您一两批豆达到你适合的烘烤要求, 但您最坏烘烤也比任何商店卖的烘焙过的咖啡好! 并且您将开始意识到那些”普遍的” 特权的咖啡店的那些高定价的咖啡是多么可怕。 他们的首要目标是盈利, 而不是像一个家庭烘焙一样创造可能的最佳的咖啡。
从各个世界的区域得豆的特征有广泛差异, 并且家庭烘焙允许您以最纯净的形式体验这些特征: 单品烘烤,这时商业烘焙咖啡很难找到的。 例如, 从某一杂货铺购买的烘焙过的夏威夷Kona,很难被意识到是多么的可口, 因为”Kona 混和” 那些总混合以低价劣质豆来降低成本。
越来越咖啡迷转向家庭烘焙,达到以前只有咖啡馆才可达到的效果。 运用各种各样的方法–从泥罐到爆玉米花机到家庭烘焙机- 他们在烘焙和混和他们自己新鲜烘焙咖啡豆。
Why Roast My own Coffee?
What the average consumer does not know is just how fresh is “fresh roasted” Coffee? Most people do not realize that Coffee begins to lose flavor almost immediately after it is roasted. After a few days, as much as 15-40% of the flavor is lost. Roasted coffee stays “semi-fresh” for about 7 days when kept in an air-tight atmosphere, on the other hand, green coffee beans stays fresh for 2-10 years, depending on the storage method. Once a bean has been roasted, is is best kept in a whole bean form until brewing time. Ground coffee loses it’s flavors at a much quicker rate than whole beans.
Home roasting is simple, and allows the average coffee lover to experiment with different bean types, roasts, and blends, to suit their own personal preferences. Even if it takes you one or two batches of beans to achieve the roast that suits you, your worst roast will be much better than ANY store bought coffee! And you will also begin to realize just how horrible those high priced cups of coffee are that are sold in those “popular” franchised coffee shops. Their number one goal is revenue, not creating the best cup of coffee you could possibly have, like a fresh cup of home roast.
Beans from each region of the world vary widely in characteristics, and home roasting allows you to experience these characteristics in the purest form: non-blended roasts, which are difficult to come by when purchasing pre-roasted coffees. For example, it’s difficult to realize just how delicious a cup of Hawaiian Kona is when purchased already roasted from some grocery chain, because the “Kona blends” those chains carry are almost always mixed with low-priced, inferior beans to keep their costs down.
Purchasing green beans are also at least half the price you can purchase comparable quality beans that are pre-roasted in a coffee shop.
More and more Coffee aficionados are turning to home roasting to achieve the results only previously achievable through “World Class” Cafe’s. Using a variety of methods – from clay pots to popcorn poppers to home roasters – they are roasting and blending their own FRESH ROASTED Coffee Beans.
很简单! 第一, 选择您将烘烤的方法, 不论它是鸡笼上面摆放的平底锅、热风式的爆玉米花机、或一台被设计为家烤咖啡豆的家庭烘烤器具。注意!如果你选择热风式的爆米花popper, 因为所有poppers 不适当烘焙, 并且能导致火灾和严重的伤害! 在您决定使用”供选择的” 方法烤之前做一些研究。 对家庭烘烤最安全的方式是被设计的和被特制的家庭烘烤器。 您不需要在一台家庭烘烤器上花费太多精力, 现在在市场上有很多价廉物美的烘烤器, 并且能做一个了不起的烘焙工作。
一旦您选择了适合您的需要的烘烤器, 下步该学会一点关于烘焙的知识。
最后的步骤, 购买您喜爱的豆。 有许多, 有些好,有些坏。选择一个名声好的咖啡豆经销商,您不会失望。应该仔细的选择咖啡豆适合我们有识别力的口味
如果您有关于烘焙体验的问题, 请让我们知道, 很高兴与您分享我们的知识,让您能体验不曾有过的”最佳的”咖啡!
How to Start Coffee Roasting
Its simple! First, select the method of roast that you will use, whether it is pan-roasting on top of your kitchen stove, using a hot-air popcorn popper, or with a home roaster specifically designed for home roasting coffee beans. Be careful if you are selecting a method such as using a hot-air popcorn popper, as all poppers are not suitable for roasting, and could result in a fire and serious injuries! Do some research before you decide to use an “alternative” method of roasting. The safest way to home roast is to stick with a well designed and built home roaster. You do NOT need to spend a fortune on a home roaster, there are roasters now on the market that are very affordable, and do a great job of roasting.
Once you have selected a roaster that will suit your needs, the next step is to learn a little about the roasting process. See our other sections under “All about Home Roasting” for more information on the roasting process.
The final step of roasting, is to purchase the beans you will use to create your favorite cup. There are many out there, some good, some bad. Stick with a reputable bean dealer, like Bald Mountain, and you won’t be sorry. Our beans are carefully selected to suit our discriminating tastes, if we dont like them, you wont either, so… we dont sell “bad beans”, period.
If you have questions concerning your roasting adventures, just let us know, well be glad to share our knowledge with you so you can experience the “best” cup youve ever had!
根据您使用的烘烤器类型, 您可能在烤的过程期间期待微妙的区别。 但很大程度上, 不论烘焙apperatus, 烤咖啡的过程无非是以下内容:
当咖啡被烘烤, 二氧化碳气体被逐出, 烤的过程中释放宜人的芳香。 在这个过程期间, 一些烟从烤豆散发, 因此您可以选择一个通风的烘焙场所(在烤箱范围敞篷之下, 在一个窗口附近, 在您的车库, 等。..). 烘烤咖啡的芳香经常不是什么你盼望的烘焙咖啡的。 不同的烘烤阶段、芳香不断变化, 从新鲜的草、粒状芳香、烘烤的面包的新鲜气味、新鲜地烤坚果芳香, 终于, 一粒新鲜地烘焙咖啡豆的芳香!
在家烤期间您将从烘烤器听见声音的变化, 一些比较安静的、一些有爆玉米花的声音、或吹风器,鼓式烘烤器有翻滚的声音。 很大程度上, 所有烘烤器的声音是可忍受的,甚而成为家庭的受欢迎的声音!
至于烘焙时实际豆的声音, 豆可能有相当猛烈变动, 您能听见它们! 当烘烤完全的时候,您会发现豆的声音是当中一个的最重要的判断元素。烘焙时咖啡豆基本上通过二个阶段的声音变化。 一, 您将听见的密集可听见的声音被称为”第一爆” 。 这是豆由于热从蒸汽和气体产生内部压力,扩展他们的体积 。一旦豆到达这些压力, 豆的结构让路, 您将听见噼噼叭叭的POP!!,类似爆玉米花的声音。这时,豆仍然烘焙好。继续烘烤。 一旦”第一爆” 被完成, 豆内部温度继续上升, 一直减少它的湿气含量, 糖开始焦糖化。 您将听见的下个可听见的阶段被称为”第二爆”, 这时豆的细胞结构实际上开始打破分离。 这个时刻是要特别注意的! 有更加酥脆的声音, 和”第一爆”声音有所不同 。
根据您烤得豆的类型, 您的个人偏好, 烤的过程是在它是最后阶段。 一些更喜欢豆在”第二爆”之前停止烘焙, 一些人更喜欢一个更加深度的烘烤将进入”第二爆”。总之,有许多可变因数,主要是您使用的烘烤器,整个烘焙过程需要7分钟~20 分钟。
一旦豆冷却, 他们继续排出二氧化碳气体, 是一个到达最佳味道的重要过程。多数烘焙者,在存放他们在一个不漏气的容器之前,让他们的豆”接触空气” 至少2个到4个小时,这个时间长度也随不同类型的咖啡豆而有所区别。
最后, 您可以想象拥有一杯在你的人生中从来没有品味到的最好的咖啡。
What to Expect During The Coffee Roast
Depending on the type of roaster you are using, you can expect subtle differences during the roasting process. But, for the most part, no matter the roasting apperatus, the process of roasting Coffee has the following commonalities:
When Coffee roasts, CO2 gasses are expelled from the beans, giving off the pleasant aroma of the roasting process. During this process, some smoke is also emitted from the roasting beans, so you may want to roast in a ventillated area (under the oven range hood, near an open window, in your garage, etc…). The aroma of roasting Coffee is often not what one expects roastingCoffee to have. The aroma varies widely thru the different roasting stages of the bean, ranging from the aroma of fresh grass, to a grainy aroma, the smell of freshly baked bread, freshly roasted nuts, and finally, the aroma of a freshly roastedCoffee bean!
The sounds you will hear during home roasting will also vary from roaster to roaster, some being quieter than others. Some have the sound of a hot-air popcorn popper, or a blowing hair dryer. Other roasters have the sound of tumbling beans in a drum. For the most part, the sounds from all of the roasters are very tolerable and considering the final product, might even become a welcome sound in your household!
As for the sounds of the actual beans roasting, the beans will be going thru some pretty drastic changes, and you will be able to hear them! You will find that the sounds the beans make are one of the most important parts of determining when the roast is complete. Coffee beans go thru basically two stages of sound while roasting. The first, most audible sound you will hear is referred to as the “first crack”. This is where the beans have expanded to their limit due to the heat, and internal pressures from the steam and gasses. Once the bean reaches these pressures, the beans’ structure actually gives way, and you will hear an audible POP!!, similar to the sound that a kernel of popcorn makes during it’s popping process. At this point, the beans are still not ready. Leave the roast continue. Once the “first crack” is finished, the beans internal temperature continues to rise, all the while reducing it’s moisture content, and begins carmellizing its’ sugars. The next audible stage you will hear is referred to as the “second crack”, where the fiberous structures of the bean actually begin to break down and seperate. This time the SNAP!! has a crisper sound, and is not quite as audible as the “first crack”.
Depending on the bean you are roasting, as well as your personal preference, the roasting process is at it’s final stage. Some prefer a bean roasted to just before the “second crack”, some prefer a darker roast well into the “second crack” stage. All in all, this process takes anywhere from 7 minutes to 20 minutes, depending on many variables, but mostly on the roaster you are using..
Once the beans are cooled, they continue to lose CO2 gasses, which is an important period to go thru for the best flavor. Most roastmasters let their beans”air out” for at least 2 to 4 hours before storing them in an airtight container. This may also vary on the type of bean.
And lastly, you can expect to have the BEST cup of Java you have EVER had in your life!!
Stages of Coffee Roasting
下面图代表咖啡豆经历在烘烤的期间不同的阶段过程。 显示颜色是接近实际烘烤颜色的表示法 , 和被匹配一样紧密尽可能对Agtron价值列出。 这些颜色在计算机显示器上可能略有差别出现, 因为设置、显示器类型等差别。…
The below chart represents the different stages that Coffee Beans go thru during the roasting process. The colors shown below are close representations of the actual roast colors, and are matched as close as possible to the Agtron values listed. These colors will appear differently on computer monitors, depending on settings, type of monitor etc…
Agtron 数字
生豆 | 未加工的豆是最大12%的含水量。 |
桂香 | 挥发性蒸气起导致豆扩展。 |
浅褐色。 粒状像草气味。 轻的身体, 最小的芳香, 有茶香。没有油在豆表面。
美国式 | 豆仍然扩展。 这阶段 “第一爆” 开始。 酸度比糖度高。 |
黑褐色。大小增加。明亮的酸度, 绿色咖啡基本消失。豆表面依然是干燥。
城市烘焙 |
豆几乎在最大扩展。 “第一个裂缝” 阶段是 完成。
深度城市 | 豆几乎扩展到最大程度。 酸和糖平衡。 “第二爆” 阶段刚刚开始。 |
豆粒开始蹦。光滑和褐色。油是几乎不看见。平衡的酸度, 更加充分的身体。通常豆表面是干的。
维也纳 | 更多气体丢失。 “第二爆”完成。 |
黑褐色。豆出油。一点甜涌现。酸度减少, 更重的啡体。
Espresso式 | 芳香减退,焦糖化。 |
油, 发光的表面黑色和斑点。 苦甜增加、酸度减少。
法国烘焙 | 酸根本减退。焦糖化。 |
黑暗的黑色。非常油腻。烧焦的气味。外表明亮出油。 Bitter/bittersweet 口气控制。身体变薄, 绿色咖啡完全消失。
意大利式 | 豆丢失个性化的咖啡味道。 |
黑色, 油被烘干。发光的表面。被烧的苦涩口气控制。
Bean Properties
Mass Loss
Agtron Number
Temperature (F)
Bean Appearance
Unroasted | Raw bean is 12% water by mass. |
Room Temp.
Green and smooth.
Cinnamon | Volatile vapors cause bean to expand. |
Light brown. Grainy grassy smell. Light body, minimal aroma, tea-like flavor. No oil on surface of bean.
American | Bean is still expanding. This is the stage where “first crack” begins. Acidity content higher than sugar. |
Darker brown. Larger in size.Bright acidity, green coffee distinctions clear. Surface of bean remains dry.
City |
Bean almost at maximum expansion. “First crack” stage is finished.
Beans show physical cracks from release of gasses.
Full City | Bean at max expansion. Balance of acids and sugars. “Second crack” stage has just started. |
Bean chips begin to fly off. Smooth and brown. Oil is barely visible. Balanced acidity, fuller body. Generally dry bean surface.
Vienna | More gasses are lost. “Second crack” is finished. |
Dark brown. Beans have oil on them. Hints of bittersweetness emerge. Muted acidity, heavier body.
Espresso | Aromas decrease. Sugars caramelize. |
Black and spots of oil, shiny surface. Bittersweet roast notes dominate
Acidity and muted. |
French | Acids radically decrease. Sugars caramelize. |
Dark black. Very oily. Burnt smell. covered brightly with oil. Bitter/bittersweet tones dominate. Body thins, green coffee distinctions are fully muted.
Italian | Bean loses characteristic coffee flavor. |
Black, oil is dried off. Shiny surface. Burned bitter tones dominate.