
Maragogype (Elephant Bean) 马拉戈日皮古巴Extra Turquino 咖啡豆

Maragogype (Elephant Bean) 马拉戈日皮 古巴 Extra Turquino 咖啡豆?

看着Maragogype (Elephant Bean) 马拉戈日皮咖啡豆的一个袋子上标注着古巴 Extra Turquino ;对此深表怀疑,朴素、严谨也是贝贝咖啡同学会一贯的追求,于是研究了一下。

Maragogype (Elephant Bean) 马拉戈日皮,也就是很大个很大个有些长方形的象豆。在中文的咖啡界许多人都相信Maragogype 马拉戈日皮 很多来自古巴。真的吗?在英文yahoo google里面搜索Maragogype,前三页都不会出现cuba ,伴随Maragogype (Elephant Bean) 马拉戈日皮最多的几个国家是 Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜 Mexico 墨西哥 Guatemala 瓜帝马拉等等,绝少出现Cuba Maragogype。在英语世界里很少出现的cuba Maragogype咖啡豆,会出现在还处于咖啡萌芽状态的中国?

Maragogype (Elephant Bean) 马拉戈日皮 的等级通常以目数说明,比如“19目以上”,Turquino是古巴咖啡的一个等级或品种,和Maragogype (Elephant Bean) 马拉戈日皮 象豆没有任何关系。墨西哥Mexico Maragogype 马拉戈日皮有Superior Granate ,相当于super grade,最高级;可能象豆的产量、贸易量都比较小(只有几个国家),没有很多的等级划分。

物以稀为贵,Maragogype (Elephant Bean) 马拉戈日皮 的价格比较高也是比较正常的。适合的烘焙程度为城市烘焙、深城市烘焙;推荐和肯尼亚kenya AA进行混合拼配,用虹吸式咖啡壶冲煮也是个不错的选择。

记住,Maragogype (Elephant Bean) 马拉戈日皮 象豆,外形和味道都是很有特点的,但一般都不会是古巴咖啡豆,更和蓝山没有任何的关系。 所说的 古巴 马拉戈日皮 Cuba maragogype 很可能有误,估计一般都是中美洲那几个国家的。


There are only very few countries which still produce this type of coffee, which is
characterized by its large and uniform bean. Our Maragogye coffee is most probably the best you can get. It is prepared carefully, screened over screen 19 and shipped under the brand name Maragogype EP Granate. This special Maragogype coffee comes from the largest coffee region in Mexico – the state of Chiapas. We buy this parchment coffee from medium sized producers in the highest regions after it has been sun-dried on their patios. Because only a few thousand Quintals are produced each crop we will utilize our combined coffee knowledge of over 60 years in order to provide our clients with a product that meets the criteria for screen size, appearance and cup quality.

Harvest Period / Availability:
The total availability each crop is about 4.000 bags from March through May shipment. The harvest season stretches from January through April.

Preparation / Taste:
Our internal quality benchmark is set for at least 93% over screen 19 and less than 10 defects per 300 grams.
The cup tasting result will give us a full-body, high acidity and round aroma with a special spicy flavour which only can be found in this type of quality from Mexico.


古巴的咖啡依级别分为Crystal Mountain, Extra turquino, Turquino, Altura, Montana, Cumbre, Serrano superior, Serrano Corriente 与 Caracolillo (椭圆豆)。最高一级是Crystal Mountain,非常昂贵和少见。

图尔基诺峰 (Pico Turquino),古巴东南部马埃斯特腊山脉和古巴岛的最高峰。由逼近海岸的3个山峰组成:古巴峰、瑞典峰和雷亚尔峰。其中古巴峰海拔1,810米,由石灰岩组成;雷亚尔峰海拔1,974米,主要由玢岩和石英闪长岩组成。沿海山麓遍布珊瑚石灰岩。山势高大雄伟,森林茂密,为旅游地。

《 “Maragogype (Elephant Bean) 马拉戈日皮古巴Extra Turquino 咖啡豆” 》 有 4 条评论

  1. barista 的头像

    所以关于古巴豆的英文的信息可能比较少。日本人好像对古巴水晶山很感兴趣的。Extra turquino并非特级好豆,进口到中国来也很有可能的。

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