
Swissmar alpenrost烘焙哥伦比亚咖啡生豆现场视频living video

The new model of the roaster by Swissmar – the Bravi – has come out and we have decided not to carry it. It does have improved safety features and ought to be easier to use and clean, but we felt like Swissmar missed an opportunity to really add features to the roaster that would improve its performance and use – namely, a window to see the roast in progress. Some folks have said the new Bravi works well – others say it is not so good. I am sure you can read all about it on consumer review sites. The units are expensive and just not that much of an improvement to warrant us carrying the item. We recommend the HotTop for the folks interested in the largest batch size they can get in a home roasting machine. Stovetop roasting is also a good option for folks looking to roast more coffee at once. – Maria 2/8/06

Swissmar alpenrost烘焙机机器额定的最大烘焙量是227克,但是使用180克左右的时候,烘焙得更均匀,烘焙的咖啡豆越少,烘焙得越均匀。





swissmar alpenrost烘焙机烘焙哥伦比亚咖啡生豆现场视频 living video
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