今天晚上刚刚在亚洲电视atv国际台看到一个电视记录片《black coffee》的结尾部分,相当不错,以下为节录:
black coffee !
A three-hour documentary series that traces the unique and volatile history of coffee. From its discovery on an ancient Ethiopian hillside to its role as a contemporary elixir, coffee has dominated and moulded the economies, politics and social structures of entire countries.
Part 1: The Irresistible Bean carries us back to coffee’s origins in Ethiopia and it’s triumphant spread over five continents, sparking revolution, controversy, creativity, business and slavery all along the way.
Part 2: Gold In Your Cup uses an elegant contemporary competition to elevate the quality of coffee in Brazil to frame a portrait of 19th century coffee-fueled oppression in Latin America.
Part 3: The Perfect Cup heralds what some coffee experts have called ‘the romantic age of coffee’. North Americans re-discover what their European counterparts have known all along: coffee is better when it’s quality coffee, and the best place to find it is in the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of the cafe.
Director: Irene Angelico
《 “《black coffee》记录片 documentary” 》 有 6 条评论
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尊重每一种咖啡 云南咖啡 蓝山 可那 曼特宁 摩卡 哥伦比亚 巴西 爪哇 园豆 平豆…
『 I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. 』
亚洲电视国际台 ATV 2007年02月12日 ( 星期一 ) PM 08:00 那杯啡: 豆临天下 (S)
2.19 PM 08:00 那杯啡: 杯中黄金 (S)
2.26 PM 08:00 那杯啡: 完美杯后 (S)
Black Coffee
Starts Feb. 12, 2007 Every Monday at 8pm (3 epi)
BLACK COFFEE is a three-hour documentary series that traces the unique and volatile history of coffee. From its discovery on an ancient Ethiopian hillside to its role as a contemporary elixir, coffee has dominated and molded the economies, politics and social structures of entire countries. Coffee’s history is rife with controversy and paradox. It has been banned as an instigator of revolution, yet lies at the heart of the democratic tradition in Costa Rica.
BLACK COFFEE tells stories of the global spread of coffee from the bean in the field to the coffee in a cup. From the history-drenched coffeehouses of Europe to the lush green rainforests of Costa Rica. From the coffee-cherry fields of Africa and South America to the chic cafe culture of Montreal our story unfolds…
The Irresistible Bean 豆臨天下
「咖啡」這個名稱的出處同樣亦是眾說紛紜,有說源自埃塞俄比亞的一個城市,亦有說來自阿拉伯國家也門(Yemen)。無論如何,咖啡自面世以來,越來越受歡迎。有錢人會在大宅中增設咖啡房,專門和賓客品嚐咖啡;而負擔不起的則可以到大眾的咖啡室。咖啡室內人們不單遊戲耍樂,亦會就社會議題發表意見。自此,咖啡不單成為供人品嚐的飲食,更促使公共空間(Public Sphere)的形成。
The Irresistible Bean, carries us back to coffee’s origins in Ethiopia and its triumphant spread over five continents, sparking revolution, controversy, creativity, business and slavery all along the way. We see the first coffee house traditions which begin on dirt floors and evolve into more refined Arabic home versions. Venetian latte develops a cachet that is the model for Western coffee-marketing –450 years later. The French cast off the monarchy, Americans toss their tea into Boston harbor, Haitian plantation slaves rebel, all under the heady aroma of the bean. But the harshest and most enduring form of coffee slavery has not yet begun. Part One ends when a Brazilian military officer and gigolo smuggles a single coffee plant into Brazil. The innocent gift he received from a French lover will change the face of Latin America and the world forever.
Gold in Your Cup 杯中黃金
咖啡的價格有上有落,不單影響飲用的人,亦影響種植和生產咖啡豆的業者。若說咖啡可以與黃金和石油相比,確實一點也不誇張。就以出產咖啡聞名的巴西為例:咖啡給巴西帶來鐵路等基建,又促進銀行系統的形成,可說現代的巴西是建基於一粒粒的咖啡豆。咖啡豆在18世紀不經意地傳入巴西。自此之後,不少人透過咖啡貿易致富,成為貴族;為他們付出勞力的奴隸卻享受不到成果。1860年,當地有超過5百萬的奴隸從事咖啡豆種植工作。當世界經濟被美國的大蕭條拖垮,巴西獨裁者Getulio Vargas要燒毀過剩的咖啡,平定市場價格。多方人士曾經努力嘗試改善國內貧窮的情況,最終都不成功。其後,由北美新興的一種咖啡室文化,不單為拉丁美洲帶來希望和貿易上的公義,亦帶來優質可口的咖啡。
Part Two, Gold in Your Cup uses an elegant contemporary competition created to elevate the quality of coffee in Brazil to frame a portrait of 19th century coffee-fueled oppression in Latin America. Bitter Brews takes us back to examine coffee’s stranglehold in Brazil and Central America, leading to coffee barons, the subjugation of Indians and Africans, the destruction of the rainforests and, ironically, the evolution of both democracy and dictatorships. Events are fueled by increased consumption in North America, due to brilliant marketing and the new mass-production of branded coffee,but the quality of the coffee descends to an all time low. In the Depression era, Brazilian dictator and patriot Getulio Vargas burns surplus coffee to maintain market prices, leading Pan American leaders try to convince Americans that a fair price for coffee is their only way out of their desperate poverty, but their pleas fall on deaf ears. After World War II, Cold War paranoia complicates matters and the U.S. invades Guatemala. Subway tickets rise from 5 cents to 10 with no fuss, but Americans are not yet ready to pay a social consciousness premium for their coffee. Vargas commits suicide over the low price of coffee and it looks like the cycle of poverty and oppression will never end. But in urban centers across North America, people like Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan are leading the emergence of a brand new coffeehouse culture. No one knows it yet, but the new bohemians represent Latin America’s best hope for a better future. They possess a heightened sense of social justice and best of all they’re hooked on dark, rich, quality coffee.
Perfect Cup 完美杯後
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『 I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. 』
今晚收看 香港亚洲电视ATV国际台 北京时间晚上八点:Perfect Cup 完美杯後
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