
Living Coffee 咖啡时光

感谢seehaha.com的痒痒同学电话告知atv国际台正在播放咖啡节目。赫然发现:Living Coffee <咖啡時光>

Starts Feb. 27, 2007 every Tuesday at 8:30pm 每周二晚八点半 一连13集
要知道咖啡的学问,请教Paul Bassett就最好不过。这位来自澳洲的帅哥,凭着对咖啡的经验和知识,于2003年世界咖啡大赛(World Barista Champion)夺得冠军,顿时人气急升,知名度激增。由咖啡豆、咖啡馆、到咖啡文化等都无所不晓;更于2006年在日本银座开设首间咖啡馆,向世界各地的同好交流心得,赞颂‘咖啡恩’。一连13集〈咖啡时光〉,除了教大家认识何谓好咖啡,亦会教你亲自泡一杯;咖啡的历史轶事亦不可少,看过之后,你都可以成为咖啡专家!

The culture of coffee brings people together… Join Paul Bassett, the world barista champion for an intimate insight to the international culture of coffee. This entertaining and informative romp begins in Byron Bay Australia, in local coffee plantations where it all began for Paul. We then travel with him to some of the very best cafe’s in the world, to reach the ultimate destination – the world barista championship in Trieste Italy, where we experience first hand the glory of victory and the bitter taste of defeat on the biggest stage in the world coffee arena.
The coffee industry is famous for many colorful and eccentric characters we are happy to share their passion for the bean with us – including world famous trumpet player and coffee enthusiast James Morrison who turns coffee into music. . .
All coffee lovers understand the importance of getting the very best out of their favorite brew. Each episode offers informative and easy tips to making great espresso at home, how to buy and store your coffee, texturing milk, making your favorite drinks – right through to a series of creative signature beverages and the fusion of coffee and food.
Living coffee: a passionate journey through contemporary coffee culture.


澳洲有没有好咖啡?答案是肯定的。品种限制,可能未及巴西或埃塞俄比亚的产物,但新南威尔斯空气好,阳光足,加上处于山上的有利位置,也有一流的咖啡豆。咖啡专家Paul Bassett自五年前到意大利旅行,尝到正宗的espresso后,不能自拔。回国后,钻研咖啡学问之余,发掘具潜力的咖啡店。今次推介位于悉尼的 Campos,店员的专业是经过严格考试和丰富经验得来,小甜多奶、奶多走甜等为基本功,难得的是那份敬业乐业的精神;怪不得Paul选其为世界最佳的 Expresso Bar之一。泡制咖啡的首要条件是什么?时间是也。不慌不忙,才有口福。亲自示范做一杯Tiramisu Espresso特色咖啡,工程大,也值得,何况只此一家!如何知道咖啡店孰优孰劣?观其铺外是否有‘单车党’就一清二楚。澳洲的单车爱好者,视咖啡为能量剂,一杯过后,方可平安上路。

Coffee from seed to cup at mountain top coffee
Inside one of the worlds best espresso bars
Great coffee at home (how to make Tiramisu espresso)
Why bicyclists love cafés (bicycle theory)
LOCATIONS: Nimbin (Northern NSW, Australia) coffee plantation, Campos coffee (Sydney, Australia), Domestic kitchen, Kings Cross (Sydney, Australia)

导演 Directed by Bernard Zelvis
Starring Paul Bassett Luigi Lupi

COFFEE CRAZY is a fun and exciting journey with Australia’s WORLD CHAMPION Barista PAUL BASSETT to discover the world’s perfect cup of coffee!

In a humorous & action packed adventure, Paul plunges into the fascinating world of coffee taking us to Rome, Naples, Amalfi (where the Cappucine Monks invented the famous Cappuccino), Paris and then Oslo where he finds coffee to die for.

Coffee is hot! Not just because it is the biggest traded commodity in the world next to oil, but it is a drink that truly reflects the culture and lifestyle of its drinkers.

Going where no ordinary Barista has gone before, Paul demonstrates how to make his exotic award winning signature drinks and designs tantalizing Latte Art. COFFEE CRAZY is a tribute to world’s greatest drink, hosted by the world’s greatest Barista!


March 6, 2007 Tuesday at 8:30pm

. The world barista championship
. Great espresso bars (Illy concept bars)
. Great coffee at home (how to make the espresso martini)
. Turning coffee into music with James Morrison
LOCATIONS: Trieste (Italy), Domestic kitchen, Palm Beach (Sydney, Australia)
咖啡师(Barista)一语源自义大利,意指吧台的人;即英文bar man或bar person。在义大利,咖啡师以其专业,负责调配浓缩咖啡(expresso)为底的饮料,也负责其他饮料,包括酒类,地点可以是咖啡馆或酒吧。 Paul Bassett作为2003年世界咖啡大赛(World Barista Champion)的冠军,今趟到意大利的里雅斯特(Trieste) 为新一届赛事做评判,传道受业之余,看后起之秀表现。遇到同样来自澳洲的参赛者,表态支持;但挪威高手实力非凡,更以新南威尔斯生产的咖啡豆,撼赢其他对手。只要有实力,无需分地域。到里雅斯特亲尝expresso的地道风味,单是那部咖啡机,令人大有信心;加上古法泡制,难怪当地人饮完又饮。今集教大家做马天尼咖啡,听其名,就知是浪漫饮品。音乐跟咖啡有什么关系?跟澳洲爵士乐手James Morrison饮几杯,让他用音乐语言,形容咖啡味道。

《 “Living Coffee 咖啡时光” 》 有 5 条评论

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    1. coffee咖啡beibei 的头像

      每周二晚八点半 一连13集 以后每周二这个时间都能看到 连续13周

      分享 交流 | 细细品味 多多珍爱 | 最好的咖啡就是最新鲜的咖啡 | 自家烘焙最新鲜
      尊重每一种咖啡 云南咖啡 蓝山 可那 曼特宁 摩卡 哥伦比亚 巴西 爪哇 园豆 平豆…

  3. 咖啡小豆 的头像


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