烘焙过程包括:在特制的大容器里把豆子加热到200 – 220摄氏度,以及在加热的过程中不停地搅动豆子,时间可长至20分钟。当豆子呈暗棕色时,这一过程结束。
在烘焙的过程中,豆子的重量大约减轻18-22%,这实际上因为诸多因素:水被蒸发,糖被焦糖化,单宁和脂肪也减少了。烘焙的一个重要指标 (aspect)是,豆子的内部要和外面烘焙得一样。在烘焙过程中,豆子的体积增加最多可达60%,因此比重大幅减小。豆子里的咖啡精油跑出到表面,显示出芳香的特性(developing an aromatic element),咖啡(coffeone)含有超过600种化学成份,赋予咖啡富于魅力的风味。无论如何,烘焙为一定不可以为了提高香气而“推 (push)”得太厉害,因为这样可能会使得咖啡中的许多组份挥发,从而会冒降低香气的风险。
The roasting process consists of heating the beans to a temperature of 200-220。in special vats and agitating them continuously for up to 20 minutes.The process iS complete when the beans are dark brown.During roasting the beans lose about 18—22% their weight.actually this iS due to several factors:water iS lost.sugar is caramelised and both tannin and fats are reduced.
An important aspect of roasting is that the inside of the bean iS toasted iust 1ike the outside.Bean volume increases up to 60% during roasting SO that the specific weight decreases sharply.The essential oil inside the beans comes to the surface,developing an aromatic element,caffeone,Which consists of over 600 chemical substances and gives roasted its inviting flavor.Roasting,however,must not be “pushed” too hard to increase aroma since there is a risk of decreasing it given the volatility of the many components that make up the caffeone.
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