手压“注射器”式的AeroPress™ Coffee & Espresso Maker
构造很简单,应该是一目了然,网址是 http://www.aerobie.com/Products/aeropress.htm ,网站上宣传的特征是柔和、丰富、纯净、快捷…到底怎么样?这里有更详细的介绍 http://www.sweetmarias.com/aeropress_instructions.html
从原理和构造上来看,它和 Espresso 应该是差距比较大的–这种构造不可能承受太大的压力。”The World’s Best Coffee and Espresso Maker,” Smoothest, Richest, Purest, Fastest” 这些大概只是一些不太合乎google标准的广告词。
《“手压“注射器”式的AeroPress™ Coffee & Espresso Maker”》 有 1 条评论
I too dislike the use of unsubstantiated, unprovable “superlatives,” and the Aeropress box contains a year’s supply of those: “The World’s Best Coffee and Espresso Maker,” Smoothest, Richest, Purest, Fastest”,”The Ultimate Coffee Experience.” If you have a good item, why all this nonsense? Can you prove it’s the world’s best? Did you try all the coffee and espresso makers in the world? And then who decided it is best? How about the expert’s quote: “When used properly AeroPress produces a remarkably good straight espresso … In fact, it produces a better shot than many home machines that cost twenty or thirty times as much” –
MSN witlerkoh@hotmail.com