
[翻译]咖啡因 Caffeine

由 fatdragoncat 于 2007-06-15 11:14 提交翻译。

咖啡因是咖啡豆中的一种生物碱,它能够刺激中枢神经,在剂量合适的情况下能够刺激肾上腺素的分泌并增强心脏功能。一般认为,espresso是在高压下制成的,非常的浓郁、芳香,咖啡因的含量相应也会比较高。但事实却正好相反,事实上(仅限于espresso使用了正确的混合豆),阿拉比卡咖啡含有0.9% 到 1.5%的咖啡因,相比R罗布斯塔 2%到3.5%的咖啡因含量要低的多。所以,如果用一些便宜的、劣质的、焦糊罗布斯塔的混合咖啡豆来做espresso,这个espresso就会比较不健康,身体会吸收过多的咖啡因。适量的摄入咖啡因是有益的,它能够帮助你集中精力,甚至于能帮助你的性爱活动,同时还能保护你的身体。


我们还必须明确另一项误解:“叫一杯加水的espresso或者是中等浓度的esresso,它的伤害会相应减低。” 这是绝对错误,因为增加的淬取时间和水会把咖啡粉中的丹宁酸大量的淬取出来。正确的做法是叫一杯最浓的espresso,然后自己加入热开水来调节口感。对于经验丰富的咖啡制作者来说,这样来调整顾客不正确的需求是可以接受的。


Caffeine is an alkaloid found it coffee.It stimulates the central nervous system and in the right amounts in causes adrenaline to be released,ad can enhance heart function.The current belief is that espresso coffee made at the bars,so creamy,rich and fragrant has a high caffeine content. Actually, the opposite is true.In fac t(but this only applies to espresso bars that use fine blends) coffee from the ARABICA species has a caffeine content that varies from 0.9% and 1.5%. definitely lower than the caffeine leve in ROBUSTA coffee which ranges from 2 to 3.5%.The direct result of all is that if inexpensive,poor quality blends consisting of Robusta coffee are used the espresso will not be beneficial and the excesscaffeine it contains is not readily absorbed by the body. Caffeine,in the right quantities is healthful,it helps with intellectual and even sexual activities and it defends the body.

Once and for all,it should be made clear that the right limits are 5 or 6 cups a day,but made in bars that use fine blends;less if the coffee is made at home with less expensive blends or in establishments that use poor quality blends.We should also clear up another misconception:there is a general opinion that by asking for a watered—down or medium strength espresso the beverage is less harmful.Nothing can be more wrong because the increased quantity of water that atfects the ground coffee transfers a greater amount of tannic acid found in the woody part of the ground coffee to the drink.The right thing to do would be to ask for a strong coffee and then add hot water to taste.For our expert bar personnel an alternative response to an incorrect request could make work all that more ratifying.

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