欧洲咖啡协会非常重视在中国的影响力,其创始人,目前名誉主席 Alf Karma先生亲临中国对咖啡师进行了纯英文语种笔试,口试,实际操作的考试与检验。
来自成都四季情怀咖啡的创始人阿南 成为了目前中国第一位也是唯一的一位通过了该认证的咖啡师,而且他同时通过了初级和高级的咖啡师资质认证。
四季情怀咖啡网站 www.f4scafe.cn
来自欧洲官方网站 http://www.scae.com/news/86/zhenyang-yi-on-the-road-to-becoming-master-barista/
Zhenyang Yi on the road to becoming Master Barista
23rd July 2007
During the recent Beijing coffee exhibition, SCAE member and coffee bar owner Zhengang Yi completed both the SCAE Basic Barista and Barista certifications (Levels 1 and 2).
Mr Yi, one of the quality coffee pioneers in China, became interested in coffee ten years ago, and soon after, opened his own coffee bar—Feeling4Seasons Café—in his native Chengdu, in Sichuan province. He now has six full time employees.
For a number of years he has been involved as well in the computer business, so his English was perfect, and he did all the SCAE Barista tests in English. Mr Yi has studied coffee on the Internet, and has an impressive accumulated coffee knowledge, well ahead of most of his European colleagues.
He now aims to achieve the SCAE Master Barista title and has already started his programme, aiming to do his presentation in the summer next year.—Alf Kramer
(Photo shows Alf Kramer conferring the SCAE’s Basic Barista and Barista certifications on Zhenyang Yi)
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