
咖啡操作员 operator

由 fatdragoncat 于 周四, 2007-06-21 15:44 提交翻译。



1、 选择合适的咖啡豆
2、 确保咖啡粉研磨的完美
3、 冲煮咖啡时,先放一点水,再安装把水,这样能防止网孔过早堵塞
4、 每天检查锅炉的压力,确保压力在1.1-1.3kg/sq.cm之间。
5、 每天晚上仔细的清洁滤器,如果机器长时间不用,则应该每周使用一次,并用纳盐、树脂等软水材料进行处理,防止线管内部结水垢。

The Operator

It iS said that Beethoven was very fussy about his coffee and patiently counted out the sixty beans needed SO that his coffee would always taste the same.We’re not asking today’S operators to do that sort of thing.but it does help understand hOW much attention.imagination and pride in one’S work are needed to make an excellent cup of espresso.Even though operator’s task has been made easier and safer thanks to new technological developments,a careful and well-trained ”hand”iS need to understand the problems that arise and which.if left unresolved.will damage the final outcome and that is,the cup of coffee.

The operator’s task,therefore,must be re-evaluated.because it’s only real professionalism that will make a good espresso.enhance the establishment’S reputation and assure that customers will return again and again.A professional has to do everything possible to assure perfection:respecting and loving the iob and putting all the necessary dedication into each cup as it were.The following are the most important rules to follow:select the blend on the basis of the desired results.Excellent results mean starting with a fine blend even it costs more.Don’t buy blends in transparent bags;store the right quantities in a place Where the temperature never goes below 15。C. Make sure that the coffee is perfectly ground;adiust coarseness according to the season.Remember that colfee absorbs moisure.on rainy or humid days SO adiust grinding.Replace worn grinders immediately as they cause coffee to ”dust”resulting in waste and poor usage.Check quantity daily by weighing 10 portions at a time(remember that it takes from 6 t0 7 grams for a single cup of espresso).If possible use automatic grinding/measuring machines,or if they are not available,grind the iust before use.Never grind large quantities(the grinders overheat).Press the coffee uniformly in the filter basket using flat rather than curved pressers.

Put the filter basket holder into position after having drained off a little water(this will prevent the mesh below from getting clogged too quickly).Every day,check boiler pressure:it should be between 1.1 and 1.3 kg/ make sure that the pump iS sending the water for the espresso at 9 atmospheres.Carefully clean the filter baskets and their holders every evening。and whenever the machine has not been used for any length of time.Every week regenerate the resins in the water softener with ordinary salt naci to prevent calcium deposits from building up on the pipes inside the machine.If this last procedure iS carried out scrupulously,the espresso machine will have a much longer service life.

《 “咖啡操作员 operator” 》 有 3 条评论

  1. barista 的头像

    Every week regenerate the resins in the water softener with ordinary salt naci to prevent calcium deposits from building up on the pipes inside the machine.


    1. 北平 的头像


    2. spinoza 的头像


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